Monday, May 24, 2010

Hoping for a more predictable week!

Last week was weird. I got a lot done, but hardly any of it was what I had planned to do!

There were a lot of little things that interfered.

Things like the swimming pool tile contractor whose workers had cleaned out their cement buckets over the deck drain at one of my customer's pools. The cement pooled, set up, and blocked the drain. We'd always wondered where the backwash line went, and how it was connected. The plans didn't show it clearly. Well, we know now. It is just upstream of the deck drain line.

So, I learned what happens when you try to backwash a 600 gallons per minute system into a drain line that's full of pool plaster. Actually, I could have guessed pretty accurately. But, anticipation and imagination don't fully prepare you for the physical experience of a 8,000 square foot pool deck covered with backwash water filled with year old algae and sludge. The aroma alone will be a lifetime memory. Everyone who goes into the pump room now asks, "What that's smell?". And from the expression on their faces, it's pretty clear that they aren't asking so they can find other opportunities to smell it some more.

Anyhow, what should have been an quick and easy pool start up has instead been time consuming and difficult. The club manager, who dreads the pool opening anyhow, went around all week looking like he needed large econo-sized doses of blood pressure meds.

And, then there were the epoxy and wasp wing knife blades in the pool finish, the new tiles with no grout, the customer who I'd been trying contact for months who finally called and said, "Sayonara!" . . . and the demise of my own personal water line at my home.

All in all, it was a week to remember, though I'd rather forget it.


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